I was recently sent a backpack from Beara Beara, a British genuine leather bag brand. Though I love designer bags, I am also an avid fan of indie bag brands as they often come with a friendly price tag and high-grade quality. My indie bag collection ranges from South Korean, Thai, Malaysian labels and now this handsome chap all the way from London. I have been using this bag for about two weeks now and brought it along with me to my recent trip in Macau. So today I am sharing a bit about this beautiful and functional backpack that I absolutely adore, and how I usually pack when I travel.
Beara Beara is a responsible brand that upholds quality, style and humanity. What caught my eyes are their gorgeous design and luscious leather. I got their classic and bestselling backpack Mya in Brown. Initially, I was torn in between the Tan and the Brown as both colours are equally gorgeous. I picked the brown in the end as I feel it matches better with my entire wardrobe. Depending on the light, you may see black cherry or rich dark chocolate, which is absolutely gorgeous.
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I couldn’t get over the detail and quality of the bag. It is made of full soft leather, with an extremely sturdy frame. It measures 24cm x 31cm x 14cm, and fits my new Macbook Air perfectly. I love the secret zip pocket at the back which is the best pocket for passport and credit cards. It also has a zipped pocket inside and features a small pocket on the front with buckles.
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I love to travel. And when I travel, I do my best to make sure I look good and feel comfortable, which could be a struggle even to avid travellers. But this backpack has been a game-changer. The design and functionality are well executed while keeping that vintage British style alive. I matched it with casual dresses, tees and jeans, and even smart casual for business. The best thing? A (stylish) backpack keeps my hands free! Which is great when we are transiting at the airport, or exploring a new city.
If you are looking to update your travel bag, I think the bags at Beara Beara are worth considering. And if you are already looking for a leather bag, look no further because they are having a Black Friday Sale with 20% discount sitewide! I am so excited about this sale as it is a great time to grab your dream bag at the biggest discount ever. The sale starts on the 29th of November and ends on 2nd December so get ready!
What’s In My Bag When I Travel:
I must say the size of the bag is not big. However, I have yet to feel that I need an upsize at my recent trip. It fits in my MacBook Air, wallet, a water tumbler, a book, my sunnies and even a thin cardigan. Not all items are captured in my photo here but here are my travel essentials I can’t travel without:
SUQQU Flawless Lipgloss 02 | This has become my favourite lippy this year. I suffered from cracking lip early this year and could not apply any lip products as they often resulted in a sharp pain at my lips except SUQQU. My lips feel hydrated and plump after one application and I am sold.
Giorgio Armani Essence-in-Foundation Cushion| Lightweight, amazing cover and dewy finish, perfect for my schedule.
Medication & Eyedrop | Axe Universal Oil (for the uninitiated, this is one quirky item most South-East Asian would have in our bag.) For all unpleasant moment from headache, nausea to a runny nose. Daily disposable contact lens, make up remover wipes, eyedrop etc.
SEABAND | A band to wear on each wrist to relieving nausea, travel and motion sickness by exerting pressure on the acupressure point (Nei-Kuan Point). I really recommend this as it works well on me and I can go drug-free!
MacBook Air | For work and connecting with the world.
Water Tumbler | I always make sure I carry a Thermo bottle with me whenever I travel. Age is catching up?
Beara Beara 2019 Black Friday SALE
Date: 29th Nov. – 2nd Dec.
Discount: 20% OFF all collections (the biggest discount of the year)
Promotion Code: HIBLACK
Website: https://bearabeara.